Tel: +49 391 67-58662
Bachelor/Master Computervisualistik (CV)
Bachelor/Master Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
Master Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE)
Master Digital Engineering (DE)
Master Visual Computing (VC)
From 28.02.2022 personal consultation is only possible with prior appointment (online via https://termine.ovgu.de/index.php).
You reach us via email: fin-pruefungsamt@ovgu.de
Monday: From 9:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00
Tuesday: From 13:00 to 15:00
Wednesday: From 9:00 to 12:00
Forms and other correspondence can be deposited in the mailbox next to the entrance door in front of the examination office. Degree thesis (bachelor and master thesis) can be deposited in the mailbox of the examination office on the 2nd floor (opposite room G29-204)!
Exam registration for the ongoing semester has begun. The period for the exam registration is from November 15th and will be open until November 30th.
For the modified alternative examination formats:
Oral presence examination (individual examination) as well as Electronic oral examination individual examination dates are arranged with the examiner.
For this purpose, the form for registering for an oral examination is available here
which must be submitted to the Examinations Office at least 14 days before the examination date.
FAQ - Procedure for Examination De-Registration due to Health Issues
Medical Certificate & Request for withdrawal from examinations due to illness
Students can take the chance to submit their thesis as soft copy in advance ( fin-pruefungsamt@ovgu.de), but then they must add an extra file with the signed declaration of authorship.
The two printed versions are still indispensable. These students can submit to a later point. The issue of the final degree certificates only can made if the printed versions of the thesis was submitted.
If students find a working copy shop, they may cover two printed versions (attention: The signed declaration of authorship must be included) in an envelope which they must mark with the address "Fakultät für Informatik, Prüfungsamt". This can be dropped in the big red post box near building 9.
Naturally theses can be sent the by post as a parcel. Then the shipping date´ll be registered as submission date. The address is
Fakultät für Informatik
Universitätsplatz 2
39106 Magdeburg
Exam registration and deregistration are carried out and administered via the university's student portal HISLSF. This way, students can submit a binding registration online. Students subject to examination regulations until 2014 are automatically registered for the repeat exams, since these are compulsory for them.
Registration forms for oral exams can be found in the forms pool. In some cases, a registration list is available in the examination office or in the institutes.
The exam results can be accessed via the HISLSF: Student portal of the University of Magdeburg
Exam results from previous semesters are no longer available online. For these, please contact the examination office: fin-pruefungsamt@ovgu.de
Please note the information on the deadlines!
For students subject to examination regulations until 2014, a compulsory registration is required for failed exams and they are registered automatically.
From 09:00 to 12:00
From 13:00 to 15:00
From 13:00 to 15:00
From 09:00 to 12:00
Tel: +49 391 67-58662
Bachelor/Master Computervisualistik (CV)
Bachelor/Master Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
Master Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE)
Master Digital Engineering (DE)
Master Visual Computing (VC)
Tel: +49 391 67-58662
Bachelor/Master Ingenieurinformatik (IngIF)
Tel: +49 391 67-52220
Bachelor/Master Informatik (IF)
Last Modification: 19.02.2025 - Contact Person: